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Modern & Contemporary Art - August
Venue address
28 Jalan Kilang Barat
Modern & Contemporary Art - August

Hotlotz can remove GST for overseas buyers providing conditions are met. This represents a saving of 9% GST on the item and the buyer’s premium.

Viewing Times 

  • Wednesday 31 - Friday 2 August: 10am til 6pm
  • Saturday 3 August: 10am til 4pm
  • Tuesday 6 - Thursday 8 August: 10am til 6pm 
  • Saturday 10 August: 10am til 4pm
  • Tuesday 13 August: 10am til 6pm 

Domestic and international shipping is available on all lots in this sale 

Please email condition report and additional photography requests to by 12pm on Monday 12  August 

Auction dates
Starts: Jul 30, 2024 03:45 PM SGT
Ends from: Aug 13, 2024 06:00 PM SGT
Auction currency
Buyer's premium
30.00 % (inc. Sales tax)
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